
Introduction to Audio Source

The project was paused in late 2020 when it was clear we were entering 4 years of Bidenomics which features corporate sabotage and many clever techniques to keep open-source projects like this uncompetitive and obscure. Furthermore, the browser technology AudioSource was based on was not ready for prime-time. It was good enough to play back videos and mp3s, but rendering audio on most browsers is just not happening yet.

The Audio Source Composer is an Open-Source Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) built on the WebAudioAPI to work on all platforms; from browsers to desktops to mobile devices.

The main goal of the AudioSource Project is to provide an easy all-platform music composer pre-loaded with as many free sample libraries we can compile. This allows aficionados of all music to not only listen, but explore the 'source' of the music they love, and hopefully be inspired to write music of their own.

Open-Source means the AudioSource project is free forever, and anyone can join in the development. This means testers, artists, and all kinds of musician are welcome to contribute.

Additionally, the AudioSource website will allow user submissions of composed songs, much like other music sites offer. The main difference is that songs written in Audio Source Composer will allow users to not only render the song, but view it's source.

Currently, the composer is in active development and has not yet been released. Check back for updates as we get closer to the Beta release!

Web Browser Demo (Beta)

Click the image below to try Audio Source Composer (Beta) on your browser.

Browser Portrait

Android Demo (Beta)

Click the image below for information on how to download Audio Source Composer Alpha Demo to your Android device.

Android Portrait

iOS Demo (Unreleased)

The iOS .ipa file can only be loaded into a pre-provisioned device, so no Alpha of iOS is available yet. Contact me if you're interested in joining the Alpha/Beta testing loops.

iOS Portrait


Coming soon...